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Decision fatigue

Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making. In UX design, this principle emphasizes the importance of minimizing the number of choices to prevent overwhelming users and to help maintain their decision-making quality throughout the experience.

Implications of this principle

  • Simplified choices: Limit the number of options presented at any one time to make decision-making easier.
  • Default settings: Offer sensible default options to reduce the need for decisions.
  • Progressive disclosure: Reveal information and choices progressively as needed, rather than all at once. Read more on this UX principle
  • Clear categorization: Organize options clearly to help users evaluate them more easily.
  • Priority-based design: Highlight primary actions or recommendations to guide user decisions.

Desired effect

Addressing decision fatigue in UX design aims to create a more streamlined and less overwhelming user experience. By reducing the cognitive load associated with making decisions, users can navigate the product more effortlessly and with greater satisfaction. This approach helps in maintaining user engagement and decision quality over time.


Decision fatigue is a critical consideration in UX design that impacts user satisfaction and decision-making. By simplifying choices and guiding users through the decision-making process, designers can create more user-friendly and engaging experiences that keep users feeling fresh and empowered.

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