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Desire lines

Desire lines refer to the paths that people create through natural usage, often deviating from prescribed routes. In UX design, observing and understanding these user-created pathways can guide the design of more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that align with natural user behaviors and preferences.

Implications of this principle

  • User behavior analysis: Analyze user behavior to identify common pathways and shortcuts taken to complete tasks.
  • Flexible navigation: Design navigation systems that are flexible and adapt to user preferences.
  • Customization options: Provide customization options that allow users to tailor their experience according to their personal desire lines.
  • Simplification of processes: Simplify processes and workflows based on the most direct paths users take.
  • Iterative design: Use iterative design processes to continually refine and adapt the interface to match user behavior patterns.

Desired effect

Incorporating desire lines into UX design aims to create interfaces that feel natural and intuitive to users. By aligning the design with the ways users naturally interact with the system, the user experience becomes more efficient and satisfying. This approach helps in reducing learning curves, enhancing usability, and increasing user satisfaction by providing a more personalized and streamlined experience.


Desire lines highlight the importance of observing and integrating natural user behaviors into UX design. By understanding and accommodating these natural pathways, designers can create more intuitive and efficient interfaces that resonate with users’ preferences and improve the overall user experience.

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