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Discoverability in UX design is about making features and information easily findable for users, without them having to search extensively or guess where to find what they need. This principle ensures that users can navigate a product intuitively and access its full range of features effectively.

Implications of this principle

  • Intuitive navigation: Design navigation structures that are logical and easy to understand.
  • Search functionality: Implement effective search functionality to help users find features or information quickly.
  • Onboarding tutorials: Use onboarding tutorials or tooltips to highlight less obvious features.
  • Contextual help: Provide contextual help or hints that guide users to discover features naturally.
  • Visible affordances: Ensure that interactive elements are clearly indicated and recognizable as such.

Desired effect

Enhancing discoverability in UX design ensures that users can fully utilize and appreciate the product's features and capabilities. By making navigation intuitive and features easy to find, the design improves user satisfaction and engagement, encouraging exploration and repeat usage.


Discoverability is essential for creating a user-friendly and intuitive product experience. By making features and information easily accessible, UX designers can facilitate a smoother, more enjoyable interaction that encourages users to explore and engage with the product more deeply.

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