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Pareto principle

The Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In UX design, this principle can be applied to focus efforts on the most impactful elements that enhance user satisfaction and product effectiveness.

Implications of this principle

  • Focus on key features: Concentrate design efforts on the 20% of features that will satisfy 80% of users' needs.
  • Simplify interfaces: Remove or de-emphasize less critical elements to reduce clutter and focus on what truly matters.
  • Prioritize usability issues: Address the most significant usability issues that impact the majority of users.
  • Resource allocation: Allocate resources more efficiently by focusing on elements that offer the most significant benefit to users.
  • Analytics and feedback: Use analytics and user feedback to identify which aspects of the product are most valued by users.

Desired effect

Applying the Pareto principle in UX design aims to create more effective and satisfying products by focusing on the most important elements that deliver the greatest value to users. This approach enhances efficiency, both in design and user experience, by prioritizing resources and efforts where they can have the most significant impact.


The Pareto principle is a valuable strategy in UX design for maximizing the impact of design decisions. By focusing on the critical elements that deliver the most value, designers can create more streamlined, effective, and satisfying user experiences.

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