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Spotlight effect

The spotlight effect is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to overestimate the extent to which their actions and appearance are noticed by others. In UX design, this principle can be used to reassure users that their mistakes or learning process within an application are not as conspicuous as they might fear, promoting a more relaxed and exploratory interaction with the product.

Implications of this principle

  • Reassuring feedback: Provide reassuring feedback for errors or missteps to reduce anxiety about being judged.
  • Privacy assurance: Highlight privacy features and settings to reassure users that their actions are confidential.
  • Encourage exploration: Design interfaces that encourage exploration without fear of negative consequences.
  • User onboarding: Implement gentle onboarding processes that make users feel comfortable experimenting.
  • Error tolerance: Create a tolerant system that allows for undoing actions easily, reinforcing the notion that errors are part of the learning process.

Desired effect

By acknowledging the spotlight effect in UX design, the goal is to create an environment where users feel free to explore and interact without the fear of undue attention to their actions. This approach fosters a sense of privacy and confidence, encouraging users to engage more deeply with the product and discover its full range of features.


The spotlight effect in UX design emphasizes creating a user experience that mitigates users' concerns about overexposure and judgment. By designing for privacy, reassurance, and error tolerance, products can become more inviting and supportive of user exploration and learning.

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