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Weber's law

Weber’s law relates to the just noticeable difference (JND) for sensory stimuli, stating that the perceived change in a stimulus is proportional to the initial stimulus. In UX, this translates to the importance of making noticeable changes in the interface that are proportional to the user's current level of engagement or interaction.

Implications of this principle

  • Incremental changes: Apply subtle changes in design elements that are noticeable without being overwhelming.
  • Adjusting feedback intensity: Scale feedback (visual, haptic, auditory) according to the importance of the action.
  • Gradual learning curve: Introduce new features or changes gradually to avoid user overwhelm using progressive disclosure. Read more on this UX principle
  • Sensitivity to change: Design interfaces that adapt based on the user’s interactions and preferences.
  • Contrast and emphasis: Use contrast and emphasis judiciously to guide the user’s attention.

Desired effect

By adhering to Weber’s law, UX designers can ensure that changes within an interface are perceived as meaningful without being disruptive. This principle helps in balancing novelty and familiarity, making sure that users notice and appreciate updates or feedback without feeling lost or overwhelmed. The goal is to enhance user engagement and satisfaction by fine-tuning the user’s sensory experience in a way that is both intuitive and impactful.


Weber’s law emphasizes the importance of proportional changes in design to maintain user engagement and satisfaction. It guides designers in creating interfaces that are responsive and adaptable, enhancing the overall user experience through thoughtful adjustments and feedback.

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