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Decoy effect

The decoy effect is a phenomenon where consumers change their preference between two options when presented with a third option that is asymmetrically dominated. In UX design, this can be used to guide user choices towards a preferred outcome by strategically placing decoy options.

Implications of this principle

  • Strategic pricing: Use pricing structures where the decoy option makes one of the main options appear more valuable.
  • Feature comparison: Present features in a way that the decoy option highlights the advantages of the preferred choice.
  • Subscription plans: Design subscription plans so that one option becomes more attractive in the presence of a decoy.
  • Product bundles: Create product bundles where the decoy bundle makes another option seem like a better deal.
  • Visual hierarchies: Use visual hierarchies to make the preferred option stand out against the decoy.

Desired effect

Utilizing the decoy effect in UX design influences user decision-making, subtly guiding them towards the most beneficial or desirable option. This technique can improve conversion rates and customer satisfaction by helping users make decisions that they feel confident about.


The decoy effect is a strategic approach in UX design to influence user choices and preferences. By carefully designing options and comparisons, designers can guide users towards preferred outcomes, enhancing decision-making and overall user satisfaction.

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