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Error recovery

Error recovery in UX design focuses on designing systems that not only anticipate and prevent errors but also provide clear, supportive pathways for users to recover from mistakes. This approach enhances user confidence and reduces frustration by ensuring that errors are not dead ends but rather solvable problems.

Implications of this principle

  • Clear error messages: Provide clear, informative error messages that guide users towards resolution. Read more on this UX principle
  • Easy undo options: Offer easy ways to undo actions, allowing users to correct mistakes effortlessly.
  • Step-by-step guidance: Include step-by-step guidance for recovering from more complex errors.
  • Feedback loops: Implement feedback loops that help users understand the impact of their actions and learn from mistakes. Read more on this UX principle
  • Preventative measures: Where possible, design interfaces that prevent errors from occurring in the first place.

Desired effect

The goal of focusing on error recovery is to build resilience into the user experience, ensuring that when errors occur, they do not halt progress but are instead opportunities for correction and learning. This design philosophy aims to support users in navigating the system with confidence, knowing that recovery from mistakes is straightforward and integrated into the user journey. Ultimately, this leads to a more forgiving and empowering user experience.


Error recovery is a crucial aspect of UX design, emphasizing the need for systems that support users through mistakes and learning opportunities. By providing clear pathways for recovery and learning from errors, designers can create more robust and user-friendly interfaces that enhance user confidence and satisfaction.

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